New World War III Signs for 2025

This is the transcript of the YouTube video here

by Bill Weather

Hey friends. We have a number of new World War III signs that have arisen, that tell us its coming soon, what I believe is telling us world war three comes next year, in 2025 …….

Now I already made a video on these signs, eight of them, most of which are from the prophetic dreams I and others have been given, showing timing indicators to 2025……., but these more recent signs to world war III, are physical manifestations that occurred, that are giving us warnings, and it could be that these signs have given us a ten to fifteen month warning pretty much, for the first half of 2025………

Now, just taking one or two of these warnings is not any real confirmation, but when taken as a whole, it should alert us to prepare for world war III coming. Now, Ive already shown you eight signs from the other video and here, at, but now here are more signs to world war 3.

As you know on April 8th we had the eclipse warning sign. As shown in my video here, eclipses and comments have often preceded the major wars of history, but then days before the eclipse, we had the lightning strike on the statue of Liberty and then a day after that NY,NJ, PA had a rare and oddly occurring earthquake. Biblical earthquakes are prophetic signs of great upheaval coming.

But I believe the biggest recent sign of all was the Northern Lights we saw in far reching places, a very rare occurrence and the date it started on May 10 is significant, because it is the anniversary of what God gave the prophet, true prophet of God, Jonah Ben Noah, his supernatural world war III wonder in the sky, showing the world war III destruction of vast portions of the US. The northern lights sign started on the same date God gave this to Ben Noah… May 1Oth. On May IO, I985, Jonah Ben Noah received this supernatural wonder in the sky from God prophesying of the destruction of the US, which has startling synchronicities therein with what also Dumitru Duduman and Henry Gruver received, I show in this video here on YouTube….. there is not a greater, more supernatural given testimony ever given in our modern day era than this.

And the Northern light occurred on this date. In 2025, it will be the 40th anniversary of this prophecy given and we know and also from my youtube video here, how there are many #40 signs all thru out the bible.

These northern lights were given on that day, to remind us of the prophecy of Jonah Ben Noah and that the world war III destruction of the US is coming.

And like General Mike Minihan says here, he expects war with China in 2025. But there are also these articles that have appeared showing us we are close to world war III. Vladimir Putin and China are not playing games. They are preparing to strike this land and invade and they have the man power and nuclear capabilities to do it. They also have the technology to electronically scramble our missiles, as was shown to Henry Gruver years ago.

As the US continues to ignore Gods warning signs to world war III and other Christians dishing out their false prophecy views, I and others are preparing for a 3 to 4 year tribulation coming before Christ comes, at the Which I present many over whelming evidences that its coming in 2028, so that means ww3 comes in 2025, and I prove that biblical chronology in 13 different ways in this YouTube video.

While the demons spur Christians to make distant future plans that wont have time to come to pass, I will be continuing to declare that there is not enough time left for those plans to bare fruit and any Christian preacher or minister that speaks otherwise, is not lead of Gods spirit to paint such a false vision. And I warn you false teachers of prophecy that are emphasizing anything other than world war three coming, you are diverted and are not submitted to what God has spoken thru the prophet Jonah Ben Noah and the many timing signs and indicators that have been given to us. While you space cadet Christians cant comprehend the eclipse and the northern lights and how serious those signs were, you will be left will greater pain because you did not prepare by storing food and getting your house off grid.

Now its not hard to get your house somewhat off grid. Buy pieces of gutter and angles to divert water from your roof into rain barrels, and then filter it, so you can have water. Then store food and prepare to make you an outhouse, so you'll need some wood and a shovel. For many of you, your toilets wont be working, so all that waist has to go somewhere. And prepare fire wood with a wood burning stove. Electricity will be out for a long time. You can take these baby steps to prepare, but you must move by faith….believing the signs and what the strongest of testimony is telling us.

Please further research this, so you may believe and prepare, so you can mitigate the pain and suffering that is coming to all over the US. And most of all, remember this, Christ comes at the 6oooth year, which is in 2028. My site proves this in great detail more than any other, including the messiah 2028 site. My site goes thru in great detail, the biblical chronology and unlike messiah 2030, has the supernatural God given signs, to back it. No other year, has that going for it. And its all at I hope you'll go there and begin to investigate this, with my other YouTube videos here on my channel.

Now listen, this is probably one of the last videos I'm doing on this. Because were only months way from the prophetic signs beginning, with first a US civil war which will lead into the war between China and Taiwan and that will be the spark to world war three….. when you see those two signs, then you'll know, the surprise bombing of the US is next. And were only months away from that beginning. SO store food and get ready for the chaos to ensue, I believe, soon after the elections.

So while many will be diverted by the elections, I hope you will be focused on preparing so to alleviate the suffering to come. And you may be able to use your resource to help others know Christ, but if you're dead or in great suffering, how will be you able to share to good news of Jesus if you're starving to death? And cant feed others. Hello… get with Gods program here and ignore the diversions and the false prophecies of the many Christians dooped by futurism.

Alright, let’s pray…..

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